Welcome to ZYRK Analysis, Inc.
ZYRK Analysis, Inc. is top-shelf analysis used by successful portfolio managers. For over eighteen years, across multiple continents, professional investors rely on Zyrk’s input. Three terms come to mind when Zyrk is mentioned: Consistency, Confidence and Increased Performance.
Consistency: The number one factor a Portfolio Manager looks for in an independent research provider is consistency. No matter what type of market environment or what market you follow, Zyrk produces consistent returns.
Confidence: Consistency results in Confidence. Zyrk provides Portfolio Managers the confidence to implement a strategy. Zyrk provides all the details and probabilities spearheading confidence to pull the trigger.
Increased Performance: Zyrk’s Models behave similar to hedge funds. Performance is chiseled in stone and our returns handily outperform the markets. But it isn’t just about returns; knowing whether the market is in a bullish or bearish environment and also the stage of that environment, adds up to increased performance for the Portfolio Manager.